Dermal Filler Injections

Dermal-FillersInjectable Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers rejuvenate and enhance facial features with a very natural look and feel. They can allow you to experiment with different facial “looks” or changes in a non-permanent way, and can be used in a number of ways including lip augmentation, wrinkle treatment and scar removal, and to correct different appearance concerns, such as wrinkles, thin lips, flat cheeks, acne scars, and puffiness around the eyes.

Compared to other wrinkle correction methods, dermal fillers allow greater precision in wrinkle correction, and can more effectively treat medium to deep wrinkles. They do not cause any loss of ability to contract your facial muscles. Dermal fillers also have the advantage of being non-permanent and creating a generally more natural youthful look.

Types of dermal fillers: Cosmetic injectables, wrinkle fillers or dermal fillers are generally classified into two main categories: temporary injectable fillers, and semi-permanent or permanent injectable fillers.

Before jumping into getting any type of injectable filler, it is advised you do some research about possible side effects. The greatest risk occurs when injectable fillers are injected by a practitioner who is not properly trained or qualified to perform cosmetic procedures.

What are the benefits of dermal fillers?

The benefits of using dermal fillers include:

  • They reliably treat wrinkles at depths that other methods cannot
  • They are more bio-compatible with the body and rarely cause reactions
  • Fillers can be dissolved by injection if there are any problems
  • They are non-invasive compared to surgical solutions

What are the risks?

Ordinary side effects following dermal filler injections include swelling, redness, bruising and mild facial asymmetry as the inflammation settles down.

There is also a risk of asymmetry developing after the filler injections, but this is completely correctable and generally minimal.

Very rarely, more serious side effects can occur. These may include:

  • Tissue death in the glabellar region
  • Granuloma
  • Hypersensitivity

How many dermal filler treatments will I need?

A single treatment every 9-12 months is usually required.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment with us, please call us on (03) 9828 7500.

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